Or my internet is a bitch. Whichever, probably both.
Wireless internet is great in theory, and if you have a good system it's fantastic. Mine can go to hell. Seriously. I'm two feet away from the "wireless" thing and I have half a bar. It's like the stars have to be in the right position for it to do its job correctly. This is bullshit. My attention span isn't long enough to wait twenty fucking minutes to watch a four minute video. I need stupid cat videos and music videos and endless hours of facebook! I need uber fast speed and multiple tabs open in the off-chance I'll quickly do something productive (e-mail?) in the midst of my shenanigans.
It doesn't help thats it's two in the morning, so I'm tired and everything is pissing me off more than usual. And my big fat fatty fat fat cat Danny got in my lap- who I love- but he only used me to scratch his face. Of course he's never satisfied with what amount of time I'm giving him, so he claws my damn hand to keep me there. I don't know how or why his claws are so sharp but dear god! The cool part about that is I'm anemic, so those scratches will never ever heal...
Thanks to mr. fat here taking my hand, I've been typing one handed. When HE decided I was done scratching his face, he just slumped into my hand, not even trying to hold himself up, and has been putting his whole damn weight in my hand. This entire post has been one-handed. I've had to switch once, but I haven't written any with both hands- not even the title. I'm just that dedicated. Or pissed. Who am I kidding? I'm Irish- I'm always double dedicated when I'm pissed.
For the record, this has taken 24 minutes to write, thus far.